
Training aims

The objective of this course is to train you on both the theoretical and practical aspects of the profession of journalist.

You will develop:

● A solid understanding of the media world

● Expertise in the production of journalistic content and the evaluation of written press content

● A precise methodology for journalistic writing

Of course, this learning takes into account the transformations in journalism linked to the growth of ICT (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.).

For who ?

Our training in journalism professions is aimed at anyone wishing to become a journalist, or improve their mastery of the techniques of the profession.

To follow this training, you must have completed a minimum of 3 years of higher education in Letters, Languages or Human Sciences.

This course can also be useful to people undergoing professional retraining, who wish to strengthen their understanding of current media issues.

Conduct and organization of the training

1. Educational platform and pdf courses in English

The training takes place remotely, on our educational platform. The courses are in pdf format, and the training program specifies the volume of work required. Personal work consists of readings, exercises and projects on the themes covered in the course.

2. Training volume

200 hours of training in total.

3. Internship in a company

This training in Journalism can be supplemented by an internship in a company, the duration of which must not exceed 6 months.

What are the opportunities ?

After this training, you can of course apply for a position as a journalist. You can also work on all professions in the media production chain.

This list is not exhaustive !

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